orgive Me For I Have Sinned.
Today at 11:40am | Edit Note | Delete
This is a rough draft but I just felt compelled to share today. I've been working on it since December, the time has come for me to finish it. Final draft coming soon.
I must ask you for my forgiveness.
It was once said that one must confess his sins one to another
But first, I must confess them to you.
And that is why I am here, In this very spot…
I have sinned.
I’m coming to you, confessing,
this guilt is so heavy, I can no longer walk with it weight on my spirit.
I’m hoping that you will wipe away my transgressions
Cleanse me.
I forgot how I was supposed to walk
So upon entering a crowd with shorts to short or my voice just a little to damn loud you had to shake your head.
See at the time I did not know,
Because I was a child
With wool so thick over these green eyes
Blocking out the entire picture leaving me
With what was planted before me.
My physical eyes could not see and that eye up there yes, it had not been fed enough to perceive
The gift my ancestors graciously gave.
So you see,
I have sinned
Temporarily forgot that royalty is what flowed within
My being
My spirit
My blood
Blood that was shed on African
And American soil.
Barred with a name nowhere, near, as superior as their own
While suitors looked on
Placing bets
To purchase a life Considered… inhumane
When all along those predators predecessors knew the rules
That they in fact were the game
Defacing black gold and ivory effigies
Destroying buildings
Putting flame to our knowledge
The smoldering smoke covering In hopes that what we know would forever be forgotten
Cut out our tongue and added their own
Forming words foreign to our spirit weakening our connection
So that when God called we did not understand our name.
So please,
forgive me...
I remember the pain,
In the middle of my chest.
for every time I disrespected my mother
Not caring of our story that she carried with her.
Back to the oldest soul that lived and allowed me to be.
Falling short
In your eyes, once, again.
See my mama worked like they put you to work
Black and brown skin pouring out blood, sweat, and tears.
While They sat in the houses looking on
Controlling the string connected to your mind
rippling throughout your body and being
Secretly fearing that one day you would remember who you were and
When you were incited their fear rose
So high that you had to fall, or rather be pushed so low
Trampled were you spirits in the ground
When that knotted ole rope broke
Yet another one of ya fathers, brother, or uncles neck.
"Blood on the leaves blood on the roots
Southern trees bear strange fruit"
Like that of your ya aunties, sister, and mothers
With white skin and blue eyes
Some of the realest lyrics ever wrote
I hope you can understand these words that I wrote or am speaking because I now know that I have sinned.
And I tried to confess to him but
Learned that he belonged to them
Stolen from our ancestors legacy
Subtracted the prince of Asaur and Aset
Divided his degress of melanin
His true manifestation
Multiplied his power by adding him to the trinity
Then multiplied and magnified him to his imaginary throne.
Gave him back to you
Wrapped tight in the beautiful white bow
Assuring you that he is the prince of truth and light
Who gave his last breath so that your sins would not prevent you from seeing the blessed after life
Promise land flowing with milk and honey lined with streets of gold
As long as in this life, you obeyed and worked until your back was bent and each time your heart beat, death blew it’s breath on your ear reminding you of that land.
While they drank and ate of your hands insatiably
You being the source of their promise in this land
So forgive me my ancestors, for I have sinned
At times I get caught up in this life
With the the sirens singing songs of other women’s men
And that tube poisoning my mind with sex, drugs, and gin
See I was too distracted and failed to remember the waters raging against the rugged road you traveled so that my journey could begin.
But now
my eyes are open
to be closed again not in the spiritual sense or physical because my seed will still continue fighting and remembering
I have turned away from my evil
And now on my knees I beg
Please for give me
In repentance
let it be so and so it is; also known as amen.
© Saturday, December 19, 2009 Enigma
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