Monday, October 5, 2009


He comes in the middle of the night moaning in our ear


And you, her, me, we
Turn over knowing what will follow


Deep passionate kisses on soft lips,
Smooth necks,
Hard peaks

Kisses that leave a trail of fire
Causing all cells in the body to ignite
Forming paths down stomachs
Venturing into valleys
Dividing and conquering
Kindling every crevice with flames

Acceptance of
His Indulgence in the decadent flow of honey
flowing from the center
Unknowingly and Freely being given

Then he glides every
into the hungry cave
waiting to encompass this artful predator
While thoughts of protection flee with the
Acceptance, of

Because he will NEVER cause this heart pain
By indulging in another

Of his proclamations of love
And unyielding fidelity
Reassuring that, he is my man
Not yours, not hers

Of false truths
naively defining it as love
Deciding to leave protection wrapped in the package, beside the bed
No glove
But still taking it
Back arched
Toes curled
Receiving all of his, hers, and yours

Because I, am lying in the arm’s of my lover
Unable to discern the spirits of others
that cling to his flesh

Time passes
And he is left in the box of forgotten loves
While I, you, her, continue to go on
Not thinking of the traces of love he left behind
Our lives are shortened with every single breathe
bodies are weakened, while essence of strength transforms to a spirit of fraility
Losing the battle more and more each day
Because he came in the middle of the night
And we willing gave our life away.

Acceptance © 2006 Nicole Johnson