Monday, May 24, 2010

Evolve...Come Back

So everyone is talking about Erykah Badu's Window Seat video. I don't have much to say on that everyone can come up with their own interpretation; however, I am more concerned with the lyrics. When I listen to the song, I feel every word she says. The verses remind me of a prayer; a conversation between me and The Creator. The chorus is a dialog between us where the Creator is telling me that He needs me to want him, needs me to miss him, and I tell him I need your direction, and he tells me come back. Man that is deep ( to me anyway).

So I was listening to the song basking in sunlight, feeling good. And I got an idea for a poem. This is a very rough draft but I hope you get filled from it. It doesn't necessarily have a title but for now I'ma call it "Evolve" (because of the Evolving Tattoo on E. Badu's back). Enjoy

"Can I get a window seat?"
But unlike Ms. Badu, I want all of my people next to me.
Looking out over the clouds
From up high
The place from which our ancestors hailed.
The place where we should reside.

See I want them next to me
creating a whole
various parts
forming synergy
birthing energy;
to get the Original people back to the apex that they are supposed to be.

So that we can continue to evolve.

So people gather around
partake of my fruit
bathe in my light
Feed me
Cleanse me.

I want all of my brothers and sister to see
the royalty
Kings and queens

to Gods and Goddesses.

So come back, becausue
I need you
to want me.
Come back
Like Ms. E Said,
clap for me.
Because we all need direction
from the Eye that sees.

Allowing the spiritual eye
to penetrate the physical eyes
so that we can all percieve Our greatness.

So share this window seat
evolve... with me
Come back.

(c) Enigma April 2010

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